Victim / candidate for the United States Congress states on the record the status of campaign contributions through January 2, 2006 for the Federal Election Commission. Funding hampered by campaign fraud and conspiracy by incumbents. CLICK to view the file: HERE


Forest Heights Baptist Church presents A Celebration of Life Christmas Special for shut-ins and those who were on duty Christmas Day CLICK to view the file: HERE


History of events leading up to what may be the most outrageous bankruptcy fraud and subsequent cover up by our court system within the recorded history of our courts. CLICK to view the file: HERE


Reading of the transcript of sham bankruptcy hearing fictitious judge Gerald Schiff allegedly from blues Louisiana persiding, maybe this is the point in time that Maryland court of special deals was referring to. CLICK to view the file: HERE


Debtor’s Council knowingly makes false statements about debtor’s stock interest & obligations to banks and creditors. Judge goes on record that elements of fraud on the court are present. CLICK to view the file: HERE


Educational video showing gangsters and their attorneys use the court system to gert illegal summary judgements against victims. Going so far as to order court transcripts altered and erased. CLICK to view the file: HERE


Secrest Justice Productions NEWS on our broken courts. How Maryland’s #1 GANGSTER used insiders to get a “get out of jail free card” while other inmates have to serve their sentences as second-class citizens. CLICK to view the file: HERE


Hurricane Katrina – SenatorEdward Kennedy’s emergency legislation press conference attended by ACORN members affected by the Bush administration’s bad judgement in filling crucial roles in FEMA with political appointees who were not qualified to do the job. Part 1 of 2 CLICK to view the file: HERE


Waiting in the water for government relief that was slow to come. Victim’s stories of how hurricane Katrina impacted their lives but the government and Bush administration delivered the final blow with inadequate and ill-prepared relief effort. Part 2 of 3 CLICK to view the file: HERE


Secretjustice productions NEWS on our broken Court’s Maryland’s Judges breaking the law to help Gangsters steal your property the official Court record of a Second-Class Citizen. CLICK to view the file: HERE