George McDermott Congressional race media event full version CLICK to view the file: HERE


George McDermott covering the Peace March in Washington DC part 2 CLICK to view the file: HERE


George McDermott covering the Peace March in Washington DC part 1 CLICK to view the file: HERE


George McDermott announces his run for Congress. CLICK to view the file: HERE


Aug 07 2007, as witnessed by Elena Sassower, George McDermott obtains and talks about the unsigned orders in the United States Supreme Court record regarding the writ of certiorari and the Motion for Rehearing filed by Sharon Galloway. these petitions were denied, even though the court was on vacation. Who denied them them? And, why … Read more


Update from Elana Ruth Sassower from the Center for Judicial Accountability part 2 CLICK to view the file: HERE


Update from Elana Ruth Sassower from the Center for Judicial Accountability part 1 CLICK to view the file: HERE


Secret Justice News introduces Sharon Galloway. Sharon will be features in a future documentary on corruption in the courts CLICK to view the file: HERE


Secret Justice update on June 6th 2007. Courts continue to deny the Constitutional rights of George McDermott. CLICK to view the file: HERE