open letter to Maryland’s new FBI director Amy Jo Lyons seeking help and a criminal investigation into the actions of the court and its officers and concealment of bankruptcy fraud under 18 USC 3057 and the courts knowing conspiracy violate the civil rights of litigants by officers of the court. To make their victims a … Read more


Response to chief Judge Murphy’s ridiculous opinion of August 8, 2008 from the steps of the Prince George’s County Maryland’s land records which conclusively prove 14 years plus after the Gilbert Sapperstein crime syndicate and named court insiders fraudulently stole his business for purportedly $ 5 dollars. While the victims victim still have $900,000 in … Read more


A reading of the declaration of independence on video by some of America’s most prominent movie stars updated to 2008 address the judicial misconduct / FRAUD our courts are applying to diminish the integrity and meaning of the Document and Bill of Rights securing it CLICK to view the file: HERE


Live broadcast from Charles County Maryland circuit court August 29, 2008. Update on actions were once again judicial officers are forcing parties to proceedings before the court. To proceed without any legal discovery even though opposing counsel compelled by another judge’s court order July 11 2008. An even more disturbing chief judge of court has … Read more


Explanation as to why George McDermott was forced to file in the District Court of Maryland a petition for a protective order/peace order against former chief judge Joseph F. Murphy of the Maryland Court of special civil case number:0701SP033162008 appeals now a judge of the Maryland court of appeals. The record will reflect that this … Read more


Update from Cecil County Maryland victims of judicial fraud, attorney fraud, and bank fraud update their cases which are highlighted on secretjustice.com programs 109 through 114 also posted at secretjustice NEWS @ YOU TUBE upcoming supplements to include additional homeless people losing their lives in Cecil County Maryland as County social services forces privately funded … Read more


Filing a motion for reconsideration and the Maryland Court of Special Appeals March 21st 2008 & supporting same motion with a video affidavit under the best evidence rule, Of Maryland rule 5 – 902 as these in-close transcripts are self authenticating under Md.Rule Rule 5 – 1003 & admissible as of duplicates. Md. Rule 5 … Read more


Breaking news August 16th 2008 coverage of the DC Festival at March Re: parental rights, victims rights, held at the Senate Park adjacent to the United States Senate in Washington, DC victims and their families come together to send a message to the Congress of the United States, that they are sick and tired of … Read more


Abigail’s Annapolis adventure Trip to the Maryland Court of special appeals with grandfather video chronicles how the Court destroys and secrets away Court documents from the public docket of the Court of special appeals to prevent media and other civil libertarians from gaining access to court files that show the abuse of pro se litigants. … Read more


Journey back to Annapolis Court of Special Appeals to file the appellants motion in opposition to dismiss McDermott vs. BB&T Bankcorp’s frivolous motion in case number 2561 2007 term based on false statements to the court and Ex-Partay communications with court insiders helping corporate Warriors defeat justice and squash pro se litigants. CLICK to view … Read more