The sounds of Christmas, a Christmas message to all viewers wishing them a Merry Christmas and a very happy new year, half-hour long Celtic Christmas program from secretjustice.com news and forced Wright’s Baptist Church, celebrating the season. A Merry Christmas to all and May 2009 be the year of judicial reform and accountability in our … Read more


Fisher121208. Perfecting the record for appeal when fighting a foreclosure. What a pro se litigate has to go through when they are up against corporate America’s legal system protecting banks over the Constitution. And professional debt collection services and their attorneys, who believe they are above the law, and the rules of court do not … Read more


BB&T Bank Company and its agents. Failure to comply with federal truth in lending statutes, and also fair debt collection practices act. Instead opting to use the hammer of the courts to try to steal your property. A victim’s story of how hard it is to get a temporary restraining order against a corporate banking … Read more


Road trip to Annapolis Maryland. Court of Special Appeals building December 4, 2008 for filing a motion to correct the record and a motion seeking the judge’s compliance and furnishing a copy of the judge’s handwriting for forensic analysis. Because of the Court’s latest SHAM order appears to be a computer-generated SHAM reproduction.Review of case … Read more


Remake of the Elena Sassower false imprisonment, by Senator Saxby Chambliss of Georgia. To let the citizens of Georgia know the exact character of Saxby Chambliss, and the crimes he committed as their senator in the United States Senate. False statements, conspiracy to violate the civil rights of activist, obstruction of justice. And falsification of … Read more


Sharron Galloway interview, November 19, 2008 after obtaining a piece order against a cyber stalker. Responsible for having You Tubes secretjustice news taken off You Tubes site as well as all of Sharron Galloway’s You Tub programs . Interview talks about out-of-court statements and actions that necessitate request for peace orders to protect victims from … Read more


Live reports from Prince George’s County Courthouse, November 21, 2008 on how to file pleadings in the circuit and district court after hours and have the documents date stamped, Motion challenging the fraudulent orders the court’s chief judge, who refuses to recuse himself. After 14 years of judicial tyranny. CLICK to view the file: HERE


Saperstein trial in Towson Maryland, where lawyers beat victims and clog up the dockets of the courts, denying access to the courts by legitimate petitioners. See other Saperstein crime syndicate references on this website programs 140 and 142 CLICK to view the file: HERE


a follow-up to program 147 setting a bass line for a series on how to effectively use trickery and deceit and fraud to deceive the courts and judges to granting unwarranted unjustified totally sham bogus and fraudulent judgment orders against your opponent under color of law and authority and in violation of the Constitution and … Read more


live broadcast from the La Plata Maryland Courthouse October 6, 2008 chronicling the bushwhacking of justice in courtroom D. program deals with deceit fraud and trickery by court officers acting under color of law and authority to preclude victim from having his day in court and due process of law. Such trickery and deceit has … Read more