Announcement of a predatory lending/foreclosure seminar being given by secretjustice.com The Victims Roundtable, preached George’s County Maryland chapter of acorn & Forest Heights Baptist Church of Oxen Hill Maryland Free seminar and workshop addressing victims rights and remedies at law. When they fall victim to predatory lenders, and at the out-of-control illegal foreclosure proceedings. Promoted … Read more


What the circuit court for Charles County Maryland and defendant’s attorneys do not want the Court of Special Appeals Judges,the Media,the defrauded condo owners or a any Jury to see. The actual audio transcripts of January second 2007 evidencing the perjured testimony Used to secure a fraudulently obtained and issued piece order against George McDermott … Read more


Insight into how the Maryland’s unsupervised foreclosure proceedings and auctions are held . We’re victims of banking fraud and predatory lenders are routinely robbed of their property under color of law and authority by sham unsupervised, unrecorded, undocumented public auctions. Held at numerous locations to confuse victims and their witnesses. Their rights to attend such … Read more


January 7, 2009 report from the land of the scam in the home of the Fraud. Prince George’s County, Maryland court complex fighting foreclosure, and how the court assist foreclosure experts in their use of economic terrorism. When initiating and proceeding with foreclosure proceedings through third-party law firms, who purportedly are not subject to title … Read more


Fending off illegal foreclosure. The history of how Branch Banking & Trust Company/BB&T bank and its agents. Use the court system and their hired collection thugs to illegally foreclose on petitioner’s property. Under color of law and authority. Yet, BB&T Bank and the Fisher Law Group. Still will not furnish any required documents under the … Read more


Notice to the judges of the Maryland Court of Special Appeals. The enclosed video is to show the judges of the court. The real circumstances behind my separation with District builders. The appellees before this Court. The slanderous falsehoods asserted to the Charles County District Court Judge January 2, 2007 are refuted by the actual … Read more


2008 year in review report on deteriorating conditions within the court system, depriving 99% of all processing legions of their legal right to equal protection and equal justice under the law in our courts. 1. Update from the Maryland Court of special appeals, December 30, 2008. Unsigned orders rob you of your rights 2. Update … Read more


Putting the appellate court on notice that the December 22, 2008. Correspondence to Leslie Gradet chief deputy clerk from District builders LLC is counsel Glenn C. Etelson will be answered by furnishing the court with responsive motion to correct the record. With the motion filed in the circuit court December 19 2008. Program describes how … Read more


40 minutes of joyful music of the Forest Heights Baptist Church choir, celebrating the reason for the season. Merry Christmas to all and even the judges responsible for secretjustice.com May the Lord forgive you if for betraying the trust that you swore him a Bible to uphold and defend the constitutional rights and liberties of … Read more


Direct questions of the Maryland Court of Appeals and its judges, regarding the use unsigned on authenticated orders to rob the citizens of Maryland on the rights and liberties and properties under color of law. Program consists of challenging the authenticity of unsigned orders in the matter of McDermott versus Purll and District builders as … Read more