July 4 2009 announcement by the victim of judicial terrorism that he will be running for a fourth time. For a seat in the United States Congress from Maryland’s 4th Congressional District. On a platform of Judicial accountability and legal accountability for officers of the court and the American Bar Association members who control the … Read more


Live report from the Land of the Scam and the Home the Fraud, Prince George’s County Maryland, where a victim of predatory lending & fraud on the court by Discover Bank, agents files his memorandum on appeal. And a request that all actions and court proceedings be moved to theUnited States District Court because of … Read more


Live interview from the Towson Maryland Courthouse, where once again, Lady Justice was raped, by J. Edward Martin Chartered. Attorneys. Putting forth, bogus sham arguments for a unwarranted summary judgment. 40 minutes of courts audio transcript. You do not want to miss, combined with live footage. Galloway’s attorney says it like it is to judge … Read more


May 14, 2009 update from the land of the scam for George’s County Circuit Court, chronicling the filing a motion papers in pleadings. Also, the Discovery that May 13 filings could not be found by a court officers, CAE-08-29-123 for persons wishing to check record online. Notification that court orders of April 17 were once … Read more


May 13, 2009 update from circuit court for Prince George’s County Maryland filing motions to have the court clarify, alter and amend its judgment of April 17, 2009. Still not entered onto the docket. And to preserve the record for appeal, notifying the court that the civil docket of this case will indicates that the … Read more


Secretjustice NEWS reports from Annapolis Maryland, May 13, 2009 correcting the record on appeal. McDermott v. Fisher Law Group / BB&T Bank’s sham foreclosure proceedings using mail fraud, lack of service,a mock hearing to induce Judge Harmon Dawson to rubberstamp their foreclosure proceedings. Based on fraudulent statements before the court.Court of Special Appeals # 304 … Read more


Update from the land of the scam, May 8 2008 live update from Upper Marlboro Maryland defendant paying taxes with no LEGAL representation, no LEGAL rights no liberties, and no justice UNDER THE LAW as is his right. Part [2], The miracle at Forestville Shopping Center Where Congressman Steny Hoyer, Praised the efforts of first … Read more


Updates from the Land of the Scam and the of the Fraud in Maryland judicial system April 29, 2009 program, highlighting how the Court of special deals for gangsters. Uses unsigned orders to try to dismiss is many cases as possible, under color of law and authority. When that does not work. ” They rely … Read more


Title update from the land of the scam in the home of the fraud. April 30, 2009 news from the circuit court for Prince George’s County Maryland showing how deceit and trickery are being used by the court to send official court notices to the wrong address purposely. To help gangster lawyers steal victims property … Read more


Road trip to Talbot County Maryland to deliver affidavit to the court. March 21, 2009 in support of pro se litigants defenses against court order of February 17, 2009 where court was asked to clarify or amend its judgment based on the frauds committed by plaintiffs, who are frequent fliers in court. CLICK to view … Read more