Live report from Richmond Virginia, November 19, 2010 updating the public on efforts to have the United States Court of Appeals acts playing at what point in time. The Constitution was amended to allow unsigned orders to have force and effect by law against victims of a corrupted judicial system. Help the FBI corruption task … Read more


Maryland Court of Special Deals for Gangsters, filing an opposition to strike defendants request for court to comply with freedom of information request regarding operational documents of the court, and the courts prolific use of unsigned orders to rob the citizens of the state of Maryland, under color of law and authority five minutes long. … Read more


Update from Prince George’s County, Maryland Mafia controlled court, putting court on notice that defendant has filed a criminal complaint with the DOJ and that further illegal actions by hijacking Judge Thomas P. Smith will result in a civil complaint against the Court’s Judicial Bond for Fraud, Obstruction of Justice, and Economic Terrorism . CLICK … Read more


Serving notice on OUR Courts we want compliance with the United States code from the United States District Court Greenbelt Maryland October 15, 2010 filing victim Freedom of Information Act 5 U.S.C. § 552, As Amended By Public Law No. 104-231, 110 Stat. 3048 In Civil Case # 8:10-cv-1111AW courts are in noncompliance with 2ooo … Read more


Victims’s live report from Richmond Virginia September 13, 2010 Re: foreclosure fraud & conspiracy scheme by between M&T BANK trustees with BB&T BANK attorneys the Fisher Law Group. Fraud victim travels to the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals with a witness to file papers perfecting the two new cases the court assigned defendants based on … Read more


Live report from Prince George’s County Maryland circuit court September 13, 2010 filing a notice of appeal of Judge Thomas P. Smith’s latest 2 sham orders after M&T BANK trustees during a civil conspiracy with BB&T BANK attorneys to have Judge Tom Smith HIJACK case with Judge Mittelstaedt to protect Sapperstein crime syndicates participation in … Read more


Congressman Elijah Cummings addresses mortgage fraud and the lack of oversight in Maryland courts live from the front of Prince George’s County Maryland Courthouse where Judge Thomas P. Smith has hijacked yet another case so he can proceed with his 17 year history of judicial security and fraud against the McDermott’s, helping his mafia friends … Read more


Victims of foreclosure fraud and court fraud visit with Congressman Elijah Cummings Capitol office seeking help from staffers to identify the House bill or Senate bill numbers authorizing courts of the United States to use unsigned orders that they will not validate legally or authenticate as required under the 2000 E.Sign Act live reports from … Read more


Excerpts from September 3 candidate forum and debate highlighting George McDermott second-class citizens answers in the debate. Telling the truth the whole truth and the truth to the 400 people in attendance. The Maryland Court of special deals for gangsters routinely robs our citizens of their rights to liberty and property with fictitious fraudulent unsigned … Read more


Gangster lawyers for M&T Bank & BB&T Bank move forward with another illegal foreclosure even though NO signed orders exist in the state court, Maryland Court of Special Appeals, Or the United States Court of Appeals. Objections to ratification of fraudulent sale will be mounted vigorously to contest the use of unsigned orders to steal … Read more