Filing a motion with the Maryland Court of special appeals to strike there illegal orders of December 7. As they are unsigned, unverifiable, and cannot be authenticated. Basically fraud 101 by court clerks, acting as judges. CLICK to view the file: HERE


January 20, 2011 visit to the national archives, Washington DC as directed by the court personnel of the United States Supreme Court alleging records had been transferred. Only one of the seven case files requested is in the possession of the United States archives. Why would the court clerk refused to produce these documents and … Read more


Leaving the Library of Congress law library were purported cases were transferred by agents within the US Supreme Court. No documents were found with the exception of Richard Finds petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court, which was denied with an unsigned order. No other documents in any of the seven other cases … Read more


Visit to the Supreme Court of the United States confirms that courts will not produce documents known to be in their possession. Only one of the eight case files requested were at the court upon inspection. January 19, 2011 four-minute video chronicling visit CLICK to view the file: HERE


Program 251 , putting the Maryland Gen. assembly on notice that the courts are committing fraud on the citizens of Maryland by issuing unsigned orders report from the statehouse and Maryland Court of special appeals. 150 requests under the freedom of information act. 8 minutes long Cecil County Bank robbing people through foreclosure fraud schemes. … Read more


Maryland Court watch and secret justice.com. Report on the letter bombs sent to Gov. O’Malley’s office. January 6, 2011 the AND news of how responders handle a crisis of this type and the media’s role in the collection, dissemination and reporting on these types of stories affecting general, public safety.. CLICK to view the file: … Read more


January 3-6, 2011 , securing a Maryland media pass for MdCourtWatch.com & secretjustice.com one year struggle culminating in success press pass issued January 6, 2011. CLICK to view the file: HERE


January 3, 2011 filing a FOIA request with the state election commission regarding access to records and complaints alleging candidate Jerry Mathes violated Maryland’s election laws. No evidence found a violation by the candidate or his campaign. It appears Jerry Mathes is the victim of a political frame up. CLICK to view the file: HERE


January 3, 2011 filing FOIA motion in the Md,Court of Special Appeals for the court to produce legislative history of order allowing the court to use unsigned orders to see what peoples property. Also alerting the court that Supreme Court has granted an extension of time to file appellants brief by Justice Roberts. CLICK to … Read more


First report for 2011. Secret justice.com. Judge Jackson Circuit Court for Prince George’s County, Maryland being taken on appeal for denial of due process rights and denial of access to the courts.4 minutes long also filing a FOIA request with the new court clerk regarding sham unsigned orders. CLICK to view the file: HERE