Road trip to Washington DC congressional mailing center to correct mail 541 freedom of information request individually addressed to each and every member of the United States House of Representatives and United States Senate. Seeking the constitutional amendment house and Senate Bill numbers that allow. Judges to have judicial immunity for crimes against the Constitution, … Read more


Supreme Court records investigation and review may 20th 2011 cases (10 – 10236 AND 10 – A662) many, many, many, pleadings and attachments missing from the official file jacket and unaccounted for petitioner will seek help from the Solicitor GENERALS offices to investigate this latest incident to trash FILES in noncompliance with code. CLICK to … Read more


Putting the Supreme Court of the United States and all members of the United States House of Congressman and Senators on notice that fraud will not be tolerated in our courts after filing 541 individual FOIA notices on the individual representatives. Asking for the impeachment of five Maryland judges. And compliance with this FOIA request … Read more


May 17, 2011 report on May 16 activities in the United States Bankruptcy Court Greenbelt Maryland case # 11-18-312 where once again judge Paul Mannes made a mockery of justice which resulted in this reporter having to petition all 541 members of the House and Senate individually under the freedom of information act. To find … Read more


Reporter outlines efforts to report Corruption and Fraud on the Court to the proper authorities being the US attorneys office in Greenbelt Maryland which refused to take a complaint or even talk to the victims, and the FBI offices both in Calvertion Maryland and Baltimore’s headquarters where agents. Refused victims request to file criminal complaint … Read more


Checking the record of the Maryland court of special appeals and Court of Appeals hours after perfecting appeal to the US Supreme Court. Once again no signed orders in either court, once again the records were not available for inspection. Complaint to be filed with the Maryland Atty. Gen. citing mail fraud and forgery on … Read more


victim from table interviews victim of Calvert County Maryland foreclosure fraud at her home outlining her fight to save her home and to stave off an illegal eviction by the County Sheriff’s Department and court insider Paul monger. Beautiful view no wonder everyone wants this property is helping Paul to steal it. What judge will … Read more


April 28, 2011 we filing papers with US Supreme Court in compliance with deficiency notice of March 1 request for the court additionally filing third lodged appendix with over 60 additional unsigned orders received from March 1 through present and also through the audit of the court of special appeals official file jackets. CLICK to … Read more

283 Part 7

Fraudulent Eviction stopped on Jenes house after her husband being forced to file bankruptcy protection because predatory lawyers and Calvert County judges vowed to ignore any order from any court and move forward with the eviction as they stated to DC attorney. Who’s about to slap $20 million lawsuit against the county and its agents … Read more

283 Part 6

April 27 visit to the US Supreme Court to check the record. In preparation for April 29 filing of the petition for writ of certiorari questioning the courts unauthorized use of unsigned orders violating citizens constitutional rights, under color of law CLICK to view the file: HERE