Fraudulent eviction day June 6, 2011 the story gets more bizarre by the minute, Victims are directed to an FBI Annapolis field office that is Nonexistent, Victims of judicial terrorism move valuables out of property to safekeeping storage while it’s circle of Angels lawyers pursue justice in a corrupt court system.Channel WUSA 9 NEWS. Shows … Read more


Trip to the FBI headquarters in Baltimore County gates are locked to victims were a 9-to-5 agency don’t bother us even though advanced request had been faxed to your office notifying special agent McFeely that the victims desperately needed to file a criminal complaint as all judges were acting in lockstep to violate these victims … Read more


Road trip to Baltimore Maryland with victims of foreclosure fraud once again the Maryland Atty. Gen. agents have said that they have no jurisdiction over foreclosure fraud in the state of Maryland, told the victim to go pound sand he should a notified earlier. Visit to DLLR once again foreclosure fraud agency has no jurisdiction … Read more


George McDermott with Mdcourtwatch.com NEWS makes emergency trip to the US House of Representatives and Senate offices to deliver a 21 page emergency request for help to each member of Congress and Senate representing Maryland constituents, asking for their intervention to stop the illegal eviction of Jane Wales Mashhad providing recipients with second forensic audit … Read more


Leaving the US Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond Virginia after court clerk denies access to a signed judicial orders, refuses to produce digitally required electronic signatures of judges. And refuses to produce any original order even after being shown Maryland Atty. Gen.’s letter stating that Maryland Constitution Article 4 section 1 requires such … Read more


Road trip to Richmond Virginia May 27-11 to follow-up with may 24th request for the court to produce original digital signatures of all judges who participated in the 3 appeals before that court one of which is now before the US Supreme Court challenging the courts use of unsigned unauthenticated orders. Clerks correspondence infers that … Read more


Corruption in Cecil County courts finally unveiled transcript of actual court proceeding were judge gets Highly pissed off about the unauthorized orders with his name on them being placed into the court record. Yet the current states attorney who witnessed and acknowledged the use of these unsigned orders in the transcript did nothing to prevent … Read more


Victims of Cecil County Bank and the banks inside lawyer William Riddle who conspired to steal all the assets of Thomas Armour and his family through forged documents, false declarations, and outright extortion in contract, yet the Maryland Atty. Gen. Douglas Gensler’s office with overwhelming proof of fraud refuses to take criminal complaints from victims, … Read more


Live from Elkton Maryland victim of his attorney William Riddle explains how the IRS goes after victims instead of the crooks who steal their property acting as enforcers for The American Bar Association’s criminals / lying Thieving Lawyers.And their Corporate Clients as well as Auctioneers and Court Insiders. CLICK to view the file: HERE


Road trip to Elton 5/24/11Maryland Cecil County Courthouse to memorialize Cecil Bank’slatest fraud on the citizens auctioning off the Thomas Armour’s families. Property using forged documents from insider William Riddle and Cecil bank’s foreclosure team. The question is why the FBI, US Justice Department, and the Maryland Atty. Gen. Gensler’s office not allow victims to … Read more