Secret Justice News update on criminal Gilbert Saperstein from the land of the scam and the home of the fraud Prince Georges County Maryland . a this portion to program is 5 minutes long. And deals with status of plea-bargain hearing in which Gangster pled guilty to all 8Counts of conspiracy to commit, bribery, theft, and related offenses regarding theft of many dollars from the Baltimore city school system and was allowed to go free until sentencing August 24. Sapersteins victims do an interview outside of court. 6 minutes 52 seconds long. C And this portion of program deals with Sappersteins crime organization visits the Maryland Court of Special Deals where Gangsters are protected BY And their cruel co-conspirators, also known as Appellate Judges rewarded for their criminal misdeeds by judges and court officers who refused Refuse to sign their own orders and use rubber stamp in-Justice to steal victims properties and rights segment 10:45 minutes through 13:45 minutes. 9d this portion of program deals with the victim turned advocate working with Acorn as a co-chair of the Predatory Lending Committee to restore Justice to our courts and hold predatory lenders liable for their crimes against the society segment runs from 13:46 through 16:48 minutes,

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