This program deals with Justice “fact fiction” or a fraud in our Courts. Glendora reads into the record the absurdity of appellate judges refusal to address judicial complaints against court officers who breach the trust of their office, and violate the legal and civil rights of litigants under the color of law and authority. In secret also record using rubber stamp in- Justice. This portion of the show reveals just how far OUR Senate leadership going on record denouncing out-of-control Court what is and is not appropriate in our courts. And the fear Americans now live in, Of OUR Courts. From 7:15 seconds to 9 minutes 36 seconds. This portion deals with the official Senate video recording chronicling events leading up to the six month illegal incarceration and prosecution of Elena Sassower by members of the Senate Judiciary committee and their staff.. This portion deals with the official tape of the United States Senate showing the illegal frame up and the arrest of citizen activist Elana Ruth Sassower by members of the Senate Judiciary committee and their staff, Who had this citizen arrested within three seconds of the time she included her statement asking to respectfully speak to a now adjourned and concluded the Senate hearing. 9 minutes 37 seconds to 12 minutes.

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