report on how the FBI and United States Justice Department promote Fraud upon the court and obstruct justice to protect the Sapperstein crime syndicate and its members agents and assigns who have made a full of the Federal Bureau of investigation, then given preferential treatment by the US Justice Department, have helped in the extortion efforts against Donald Stone industries history of the Sapperstein are syndicate and its ties to the FBI and Justice Department available and linked through thissite@Marylandcorruption.com bottom of page chronicling Maryland a state of corruption naming FBI agents, Justice Department officials, judges, and prosecutors who have assisted the Sapperstein crime syndicate and its receiving of preferential treatment as a knowledge by the Maryland Parole Commission formed Gilbert Sapperstein and his agents the reputed godfather of the Jewish mafia for the state Maryland. Court fraud was committed by FBI agents and Justice Department agents as defined in case of Dunahay v.Struzik, 393 P, 2d 930, 96 Ariz,. 246 (1964). Case law supports oath of office of FBI agents and Justice Department officials to investigate and prosecute criminal activities not cover them up to protect insiders and gangster’s. Approximately one hour long

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