Notice to the judges of the Maryland Court of Special Appeals. The enclosed video is to show the judges of the court. The real circumstances behind my separation with District builders. The appellees before this Court. The slanderous falsehoods asserted to the Charles County District Court Judge January 2, 2007 are refuted by the actual evidence shown on the videos. I beg to court to look for into the record and they will find out that I have an absolute right to quit a job which put my life in safety, as well as the life in safety of the employees working under me at risk. From lead based paint contamination, asbestos contamination, social contamination, and numerous building code violations taking place at 738 . Longfellow St, . Northwest, Washington, DC. Where are my previous employers wanted me to falsify job reports, ignore safety protocols, and assist them in covering up numerous fire and building code violations taking place at the job site. The record is clear. I have every right to quit their employment, and they had no right to slander my name. View the video and see for yourself.. Judge Lou Hennessy has the final job report video. In his possession in Charles County circuit court records.

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