Title update from the land of the scam in the home of the fraud. April 30, 2009 news from the circuit court for Prince George’s County Maryland showing how deceit and trickery are being used by the court to send official court notices to the wrong address purposely. To help gangster lawyers steal victims property follow-up to the February 6 sham hearing. Part two visit to the Court of special appeals/deals for gangsters. To file motions in response to April 17 notice from the court. That was not only not But the order was not in the case file at all, much less any signed order. On top of this 90% of the contents of the court case official case file has been taken out of the record for some unknown reason. Once again constituting mail fraud by the court officers, acting under color of law. Interview with latest victim of the Maryland judicial systems, a Mr. Mark Tomby. You won’t believe what the court is done to him and his family under color of law authority.

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