Candidate George McDermott searches for venue for fundraiser regarding his 2010 Democratic primary campaign for United States Congress from Maryland’s 4th Congressional District. Fortunately the very business that was stolen from him for five dollars by the Sapperstein crime syndicate has reopened and holds fundraisers. This is a perfect place to hold my public announcement as a candidate and introduced the media and my supporters/constituents also the courts and judges will see exactly what is candidate has become a advocate for judicial and legal reform. The Temple Hills skate Palace was designed originally by candidates, was personally built by candidates construction company, and personally funded by candidates partners all who were robbed of their legal positions by the courts of Maryland under color of law and authority to cover-up their support of the Sapperstein crime syndicate. What a bargain they received from the court. Five dollars investment neted the mobsters $30 million estimated receivables.

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