In retaliation for Mr. Baron’s recent visit to Washington, the judges involved in unlawfully suspending Jeff’s civil rights and transfering all of his money to their friends deployed nearly a dozen U.S. Marshalls to barge into the homes of Mr. Barons’ friends, family and acquaintances, intimidating, harassing anyone associated with Mr. Baron. Unbelievably, the Marshalls, controlled by these judges, were instructed to defame Mr. Baron by making various allegations to Mr. Baron’s acquaintances and neighbors. These are the the most ludicrous allegations I have heard of and clearly retaliation for Mr. Baron’s whistle blowing. One of these acquaintances, John Margetis recorded the shake down Click Here Judge Furgeson just ordered that his friend Peter Vogel be permitted to liquidate the remaining assets, which consists of a $60 million research trust funding juvenile diabetes research. The research trust is now ordered to be liquidated for 2% of its value and all money paid to Mr. Vogel and his law firm. The outrageous court documents are attached below. 817 818 819 820 821 822

CLICK to view the file: HERE