Review of all order 1n case # 11-10611 & 11-A-1157 reveals only unsigned orders as witnessed by two parties in violation of Md. Constitution Article IV. § 1 of the Maryland Constitution requires that our courts be courts of record” this requirement is then interpreted to require that court orders be in writing and not oral see e.g. Redmond versus chance 32 M.D. 42, 52, 1870 . Also interview with 20 year victim of judicial abuse and obstruction of just THIS American patriot Mister Kelly who is holding a vigil at the US Supreme Court until justice is served in his legal rights and liberties returned to him as Constitution and law requires . you must check out the video on YOU TUBE video LEGAL ABUSE SYNDROME to see the damage our courts are doing by allowing lying lawyers to prevail over the rule of law and our Constitution

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