Deals with events of August 4, 2013 involving the criminal kidnapping and false imprisonment of Ashley Mae O’Brien by Arlington County judges, lawyers, Commonwealth’s attorney, and CPS agents all working in concert one with another. To violate the legal and civil rights of this minor child to torture torment and destroy her family for exposing. The criminal misconduct of County agents in the assault and teasing of this minor child inside the courthouse December 7, 2013. [Att 1] and the bilking of the United States treasury and Department of human resources grant programs by CPS agents lining their own pockets with the help of the above-named parties. Upcoming story shows how the judge on September 5, 2013 continues to cover-up by denying a jury trial to a alleged criminal defendant. And has ordered this defendant to return to court Monday morning on. September 10 with her lawyer to explain why she should not go to jail because the court has committed fraud, obstruction of justice, and conspiracy to deprive her of her civil rights and liberties.

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