April 28, 2018 received daily mail from Cecil County orphans court and Sherry Ray Eveland case involving theft of $18,000,000 of the estate by judge Charles Bernstein and insiders of that court. And also received a denial notice of a motion for certification of a question of law to the Maryland Court of Appeals filed April 24, 2018 at 4:03 PM denied April 25 with unsigned order at 9:12 AM case # MISC-0037-2017 term. Perfect example of forgery by court insiders of unsigned orders cases also on appeal US Court of Appeals DC. Case #17 – 1790. Title 8, 22 & 28 USC which in December 26th 1933 49 Statute 3097 Treaty Series 881 is this treaty binding on all courts of the nation or has it amended no court will answer this question nor will the office of Inspector General for the Department of Justice investigate why this rule is not being followed

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