October 20, 2017 Capitol Hill US Federal court courthouse Washington DC filing for new trial in District Court under FRCP rule 59 and 60 (b) court officers violating oath of office 5 USC 3331/ 3333 & 7311. See [Att. 1]. And furthering there blatant disrespecting oath of office 18 USC Ch. 115: TREASON, SEDITION, AND SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES and 18 USC 505 Falsifying Ct. papers [Att – 1- 2] not docketing papers in accordance to the rules of the court. Case # 17 – 1790 [Att. 4 – 5.]. US District Court case # 16 – CV – 532 APM DC U.S. Court of Appeals case # 17 – 17081 .

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