September 10, 2015 10 hours of totally unnecessary waiting at M if negative probably much more sensitive than the average person okay well I’m on like a set I will be there to 30 for them and I’m driving a little brown: have a blessed that you name please read if you can send me an email with you contact information of the dislike of reformingmy my email is secret justice PR@yahoo.com you George McDermott aryland detention center waiting for victim Richard Reinheimer to be released from his illegal incarceration at the hands of judge Sidney Campen and judge Ross Queen Anns County Maryland, see the history of this victim’s plight@secretjustice.com programs 733, 741 (a)– (c), 744 (a)– (z) and the criminal misconduct after his arrest on his family program 746 (a) through 770. White-collar fraud 101 yet did Justice Department and FBI do nothing.

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