
Reporters update September 18, 2013, unscheduled emergency hearing to revoke the bond of victim of judicial abuse syndrome, and Arlington County court room 10 D judge. Accepts full statement from Commonwealth’s attorney, County attorney, and social services. Subcontractor attorney. Regarding suppression of evidence hearing and false claims that Dolores O’Brien, Heffernan should have a bond revoked and put in prison. Based on false allegations of alleged violation of no contact order of the court. This reporter was called to the stand, put under oath, regarding United States District Court case Washington DC 13-1369-UNA filings asking for an emergency injunction and restraining order against the criminal misconduct of Arlington County court system. And the Arlington County Commonwealth’s attorneys office who refuses to protect the rights and liberties of minor children as required under her employment contract. Transcript of reporters testimony to be posted later. With next program.

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