Notifying the court of the death of bill Gottlieb and trying to make arrangements for a memorial service to be held at the Court of Appeals building September 4, 2013. Which unfortunately was not allowed to happen because having a group of 12 or more people standing on the sidewalk constitutes a protest and the facilities management for the capital statehouse. Stated, we would need a special permit. To be in compliance with the rules, but suggested that we move the Memorial service to the Thurgood Marshall Memorial Park in front of the capital at a later date and apply for such a permit. See the efforts we went through to try to honor Bill. But even in death, the courts dishonor this victims rights. By the ridiculous opinions and unconstitutional rulings issued by judge Melissa Bernard. basically saying that the court agreed that forged documents, altered trust notes, and false affidavits are perfectly okay with the court as long as a lawyer puts them in the record.

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