August 20, 2013 back at the landed the scam in the home of the fraud Prince George’s County Maryland Circuit Court filing motions to strike all the fraudulent unsigned orders of the Maryland court of special deals for gangsters. After notifying the U.S. Postal Service of the use of fraudulent unsigned unconstitutional orders. Also checking on follow-up to Michelle Davies cases where the court keeps hiding the case file every time you go to find it, and the docket does not represent the truth of proceedings in which myself numerous others witnessed the false illegal prosecution of Michelle July 17, 2013. See additional programs at the site. 539 & 553(A)(B) once again no respect for Maryland code professional conduct, prosecutors, judges and attorneys responsibilities MD Rules, Rule 16-812, MRPC 3.8. Also update on John Noonan being victimized by fraudulent court orders decades-old

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