Montgomery County Maryland road trip to free Ashlie Mae O’Brien kidnapped by Arlington County Virginia CPS workers now falsely imprisoned in the hallmark youth detention center Richmond Virginia . court insiders Irying to seal the case to cover-up judicial complicity in the kidnapping and false imprisonment of minor child. judge is also in violation of 18 USC 1512 and 1513 violating child’s rights under color of law and authority . Additionally gathering information regarding the upcoming disbarment hearings for agents of Shapiro in Burson predatory foreclosure agents from Reston Virginia responsible for the theft of tens of thousands of boundaries homes.using forged Robo signed documents which they have admitted to in the Court of Appeals and to the Maryland attorney grievance committee who is pressing for sanctions / disbarment hearings at the recommendation of the Chief Judge of the Maryland Court of Appeals . who should also W held in contempt For not issuing orders. signed judicial Orders. in conformity with the Maryland Constitution

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