Follow-up visit with Lori Saxon victim of judicial abuse syndrome and fraud on the court by her ex-husband and his family members, and his insider connections with the court in three states. To threaten and intimidate and harass Lori and her daughter, who Todd Zirkle and his relatives in New Jersey use the courts to steal the 61 percent inheritance left by Robert Zirkle senior to his granddaughter. Jayne Zirkle. Yet the judicial abuse continues in court after court after court. To cover-up his probate fraud and plaintiff’s frauds on the court in Washington DC and Arlington Virginia. Judge Janet Clark DRB 3424-2009, DRB 1111-2010, DRB 17-2011 DC Court of Appeals case judge Clark has no jurisdiction presently Nos. 12-FM-69, 12- FM-235, 12-FM-386, 12-FM-559, 12-FM-560, 12-FM-735, 12-FM-971 judicial terrorism and threatening and intimidating of victims and witnesses at its best Att’s

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