This 500 th, program deals with updates 10 updates on 10 victims of judicial abuse, judicial fraud’s, kidnapping , and child trafficking of the worst kind which is being reported to all 535 members of the U.S. House and Senate the United States through a mass mailing November 26 2012.to be followed up by lobbying day November 28 2012 were these 10 victims of judicial corruption will be personally visiting individual members of Congress seeking investigations and hearings on the corruption / child trafficking in the United States.additionally asking for members help in obtaining and Imediate release of Ashly Mae O’Brien who was kidnapped twice illegally by VA. child protective services agents in Arlington Virginia without proper warrants without probable cause in violation of the interstate compact and title 18 of the United States criminal code 18 USC 1512 and 1513 threatening and intimidating of victims and witnesses under color of law .. video LEGAL ABUSE SYNDROME to see the damage our courts are doing by allowing lying lawyers to prevail over the rule of law and our Constitution

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