Part two of five segments chronicling how ING Bank, FSB and its agents allege trustees @ Cohn Goldberg & Deutsch, LLC oh 600 Baltimore Avenue, Suite 208 Towson, Maryland,. Once again using judge Thomas P Smith and judge Clark of Prince George’s County Circuit Court to using false and fraudulent documents to facilitate of fraud on the court. Which court records will show force unsuspecting officers of the Sheriff Department to perform an illegal eviction on November 8 2012. Sharing or Taylor of the Sheriff Department has promised to look into this and forwarded to the Department’s Inspector General’s for an investigation. It is anot the fault of the Prince George’s County Sheriff Department for the events that took place November 8 2012. The fault lays with Sheila Tolson Adams allowing her judges to operate above the law enter repeatedly deny Prince George’s County residents there due process rights under color of law .

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