Emergency deposition of Ashley Mae O’Brien, Sunday April 30, 2012. This video tells of her 14 months of illegal captivity by CPS agents in Arlington County, Virginia. Ashley was the 2nd child to run away from the same foster home. After the first foster child ran away on 4/23; fearing for her safety and trying to get medical treatment for an assault on her by Arlington County on 12/07/2011. See related videos 382A-D. The center for missing and exploited children were notified on 4/30 that the child was safe as well as the Fairfax County police on April 31 and she was enrolled in school on the same day. The video is an hour and 30 minutes. Child protective services has issued an alert for this child listing her as missing. Which is not the case as they well know.

CLICK to view the file: HERE