Supposedly to operate all of the companies/trust that Furgeson and Vogel seized from Jeff, Furgeson and Vogel appointed a “business” manager. The person they appointed, Damon Nelson, is a certified con-artist and perjurer. Before his appointment, Nelson’s primary business was operating a scam that was the subject of investigations by the Dallas District Attorney and by mainstream media. Nelson’s scam was defrauding dozens of unsuspecting home buyers into parting with their money to “buy” property that Nelson’s company had stolen and did not have title to. When the real owners came to claim the properties that Nelson’s company “sold”, the home buyers were kicked out on the street. Nelson’s partner is “Chase” Fonteno, a convicted felon of securities fraud. As reported in the Houston Chronicle , in 2006, Nelson fabricated a corporation that he called “Nelson Funding” to con a charity into auctioning him off as one of the’ “hottest CEO bachelors”. In fact, Nelson was actually running his scam with Fonteno at Hilton Head during this time. Nelson is the sole “business” person managing the companies seized by Furgeson, Vogel. He is also the sole businessperson hired by Sherman to “operate” Ondova, which Nelson ran into the ground and caused it to cease operations. Nelson’s primary role with both Vogel and Sherman is essentially to act as a “straw man”, to commit perjury in court to assist Vogel, Sherman and the judges loot Jeff’s trusts and businesses of millions of dollars. To do this, Vogel is paying Nelson $18,000 using Jeff’s money against Jeff’s will. CBS’s story on Nelson’s company can be found HERE

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