Part 1.Road trip to the US Supreme Court. September 13, 2011 to file a motion regarding docket irregularities and lack of response from the court also noncompliance of the court of its own rules and regulations. 3 min. long. Part 2 making the record after leaving court clerks office regarding missing files, court docket irregularities, and general evidence that the court clerks office is in noncompliance with the Constitution and rule of law. One bright new. I saw, and copy the original. Signed order of Chief Justice Roberts of February 28, 2011. Establishing debt if the Chief Justice of the United States signed orders a Pres. has been set for inferior courts.1. Motion filed September 13.2, court docket September 13.Judge Roberts, order, February 28. 4. Motion to court clerk alerting fraud. July 7, 2011. Ruth Jones court clerk. July 7, 2011

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