The reason why 1100 families within George’s County Maryland men in many of whom Are victims of foreclosur fraud. It is demonstrated by the court proceedings of Judge Herman Dawson, April 7, 2009. The Court allows dishonest lying lawyers for BB&T Bank and other predatory lenders. The right to foreclose on victims properties even though the record clearly shows no default exists, and previous notices to defendants were sent to make an address, not defendants address of record. Fisher law group should be put out of business every case that they brought before a judge Dawson in the last two years, should be investigated by the FBI and Justice Department for direct fraud on the court and conspiracy to violate the civil rights and due process rights of County citizens.WOW, you won’t believe the arrogance of these attorneys. Related programs on this website programs 164, 165, 166, 168, 172, 175, 176, chronicled the BB&T Bank’s fraud on the court.

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