What the circuit court for Charles County Maryland and defendant’s attorneys do not want the Court of Special Appeals Judges,the Media,the defrauded condo owners or a any Jury to see. The actual audio transcripts of January second 2007 evidencing the perjured testimony Used to secure a fraudulently obtained and issued piece order against George McDermott and video record disproving the false testimony of Samuel Purll agent for District builders LLC. The outrageous efforts of the Circuit Court’s judges to preclude this evidence of the Charles County District Court hearing January 2, 2007 from the Maryland Court of Special Appeals Judges record must fail. The fraudulent use of rules of preclusion do not and must not include allowing.Attorneys a sorting and use of preclusion rule’s to cover UP and further crimes against another Court.otherwise committing perjury would be condoned by every court in this nation and should not be prosecuted, something we cannot allow to happen. Especially with lying lawyers.

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