open letter to Maryland’s new FBI director Amy Jo Lyons seeking help and a criminal investigation into the actions of the court and its officers and concealment of bankruptcy fraud under 18 USC 3057 and the courts knowing conspiracy violate the civil rights of litigants by officers of the court. To make their victims a slave of the Saperstein crime syndicate by refusing release his victims property and to perform their statutory duties required under 18 USC 3057 of the United States criminal code. Case history is available @Maryland judicial case search.com. In The Maryland Court of Special Appeals case # 2551 September term 2007 related Circuit Court cases in Prince George’s County Maryland, # CAL 95 00940 + # CAL 95 26059 +# CAL 95 13288 + # CAL 9708 728 all cases emanate from the first bankruptcy fraud perpetrated by Saperstein crime syndicate members promoting judicial tyranny and fraud at its best. Every jury verdict overturned by Gangster insider Judges.

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