Explanation as to why George McDermott was forced to file in the District Court of Maryland a petition for a protective order/peace order against former chief judge Joseph F. Murphy of the Maryland Court of special civil case number:0701SP033162008 appeals now a judge of the Maryland court of appeals. The record will reflect that this judge has an 11 year history of judicial abuse of power denying each and every motion put before the court with an unsigned one authenticated rubberstamped order, while at the same time protecting the members of the Saperstein crime syndicate and their criminal agents which can be identified@Marylandcorruption.com this Mafia led organization controls the normal judicial system for the benefit of themselves and their thieving lawyers operating under color of law and authority. Being protected by Justice Murphy and other appellate judges promoting treason over the Constitution petitioner’s order was denied relief from the magistrate. Because as the order states petitioner is not a person eligible for relief. The complaint is posted on secretjustice.com news for those who wish to judge for themselves. Four minutes long

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