Filing a motion for reconsideration and the Maryland Court of Special Appeals March 21st 2008 & supporting same motion with a video affidavit under the best evidence rule, Of Maryland rule 5 – 902 as these in-close transcripts are self authenticating under Md.Rule Rule 5 – 1003 & admissible as of duplicates. Md. Rule 5 – 1004 admissibility of other relevant evidence . Md. Rule 5 – 1005 As they are easily verifiable and taken from the original public record. Video affidavit contains five subparts Part [1]. From zero to 2 minutes introduction to victims rights. Part [2] From 2 – 6;30 second video affidavit supplied to the court in support of relief. Part [3] From 6:31 – 10:00. Filing opposition to motion to dismiss. Part [4] 10:00 – March 19 visit to the clerk’s office discovering that the Court clerk’s office had trashed case file and that no signed judges order. Or locatable within the case file. Part[5] 12:31 – 45.00 minutes enhanced transcript showing sham trial and wrongful persecution of defendant George McDermott in November 1995 and which now Chief Judge Krauser’s wife Sherry L. Krauser witnessed fraud on the Court by Sapperstein crime syndicate members and their counsel yet did nothing to Saperstein crime syndicate lying lawyers. Prompting 14 additional years of illegal wrongful persecution of the McDermott family. Part [6] Finally from 45 minutes through 52 minutes end of video affidavit. Which clearly shows ongoing judicial conspiracy by between Circuit Court judges William D. Missouri & Thomas Smith overseeing brother-in-law’s trial to deny the McDermott’s access to the courts and the jury. Verdict was later overturned by Judge Tom Smith in favor of his brother-in-law the defendant. Making this the the third jury verdict a row mollified by this Gangster judge in favor of the Saperstein crime syndicate please insert the following announcement into program 137 History has been many United States Court of Appeals finds against The Coffee Beanery Franchise . And its agents for franchise fraud, and for the victim that Deborah Williams of Annapolis Maryland who fought the courageous fight against corporate fraud and its gangster lawyers, her stories can be seen at secretjustice news all on YOU TUBE. Jake is there any way we can capture the video off of you tube as I don’t see this program on secretjustice.com.

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