Road trip by secretjustice.com NEWS. February 28, 2008 to Baltimore, 1 Sherron Galloway hires a lawyer, 2 Maryland lawyers behind the Sapperstein crime syndicate, 3 Baltimore lawyers involved in the Sapperstein crime syndicate. 4.Background checks on crime syndicate lawyers live report. 5 final destination Maryland and the Court of Special Appeals in Annapolis trying to get releases of lein from Sapperstein crime syndicate attorneys to present to Judge Bloom and to Judge Hollander showing good faith had been employed but no such documents exist refuting the false assertions by Judge Martin Prince George’s County Circuit Court programs 127, 128 and 129 that his actions and statements were a fraud on the court and treason against the Constitution denying citizens vested rights to due process at law. When will the Court of special appeals take remedial action.

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