Secretjustice.com NEWS Reports from Washington DC on peace movement part one of a four-part series that the United for peace and justice coalition staged with resounding success. An estimated 750,000 plus people peacefully gathered in front of the capital of the United States to send a message to our Congress and elected leaders that they want accountability on the war President Bush declared on the sovereign nation. And the consequences lack of leadership has cost this nation in lives lost, exploding deficit, and the loss of integrity and respect throughout the world as a result of the war was initiated on lies and deceit. Report shows all shows all aspects of a peaceful rally, organization, guest speakers, political support, community support, organized labor support, and a March that completely encircled the capital of United States from 3rd St.& Jefferson Street Northwest up Constitution Avenue, across 1st St. back down Independence and disbursing at fourth and Constitution crowd was so large, that its leaders were arriving at departure area tens of thousands were leaving the staging area. It was a very successful day for the peace movement in United States

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