Secretjustice news chronicles how the Internal Revenue Service destroys court documents to protect the Sapperstein crime syndicate and retaining illegal judgments again second-class citizen road trip includes stops at the United States Tax Court, the Jewish flush penthouse previously residents of J. Edgar Hoover, winding up at Crystal Skate now, new Delight Skate Palace opened without legal occupancy permit. As record is made chronicling how the Internal Revenue Service, United States Justice Department, United States Attorney’s office, the FBI, and Prince Georges County State’s Attorney’s office to our protecting judges related to the Sapperstein crime syndicate who stole this business for five dollars and how the judges joined in a criminal conspiracy to cover up the misconduct and fraud of their fellow judicial officers, Case law in support of Court fraud and deceit by judicial officers, “fraud and deceit may arise from silence where there is a duty to speak the truth as well as to from speaking an untruth.” Morrison V. action, 198 P.2d 590, 68 Ariz. 27 Ariz . 1948. Approximately one hour long

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