Gangster Court which will not allow victims of Marylands number one Gangster to give victims impact statements on the record. Shows description Show takes place in front of the Baltimore City Circuit Criminal Court, Clarence Mitchell, Courthouse immediately following the sentencing of Marylands number one Gangster for stealing from the Baltimore city school system and getting caught. Gangster and the citizen who pled in guilty to all eight and counts of the Baltimore Grand Jury Indictment including conspiracy to commit theft, conspiracy to bribe public officials, conspiracy to falsify documents, yet victims of these crimes are not allowed to file victims impact statement. Even though Gangsters attorney never even docketed his motion in opposition, which the court should not have considered, as a basic tenant of court rules and law. Fill footage 12 minutes long Elana Sassower filing appeal DC Court of Appeals.Show description, show deals with a citizen hero and her heroic fight to have her name cleared and rights restored, after being framed up and falsely imprisoned by officers of the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary and the gangster courts which they oversee doing business as District of Columbia Superior Court and District of Columbia Court of Appeals both of which have little or no respect for the rule of law in the Constitution as video evidence will attest to.

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