Secret Justice News chronicling how the ABA and gangster court judges help unscrupulous lawyers and their clients to steal your property, your legal rights. a Victim of this INJUSTICE lays out his victims impact statement answering state prosecutors response letter stating that prosecutor as no jurisdiction over civil matters. Victim reads into the record from the Maryland crimes and offenses, statutes of law incorporated into our Constitution, approximately 10 minutes long chronicling how prosecutors will not allow the second-class citizens to file criminal complaints against white-collar criminals who have been made it by bribing public officials and officers of the government. b part 2 A victim chronicles how appellate courts in our nation now employ secret proceedings to help lawyers cover up their criminal acts against society and steal from the poor to give to rich using such tactics as unsigned orders, unpublished opinions with rubber stamp per curiam acknowledgments in which there is no record at the court of proceedings being brought before the court. Once again, the victim outlines just how the Court steals your property with unsigned orders. Verification of these allegations is now stored for 20 years in the National Archives and the Maryland Archives. Dont expect to find a record in the Court

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