spending a day with Elana Ruth Sassower as she delivers her appeal papers to the District of Columbia Court of Appeals and the Gangsters at the US Justice Department. This part of the program and deals with making a video record for an appellate. who was wrongfully prosecuted and put in prison for the crime of. respectfully requesting to speak to a adjourned, session of Congress for six months while the Appellate Courts and its Gangster judges denied all relief using rubber stamped unsigned orders and opinions to keep this citizen in prison against her will and against the law to protect members of the Senate Judiciary committee who framed her illegally Part two Elana Sassower returns to congressional Cemetery to remember the cherished to view she had former prison window and recount briefly what it was like to be in prison for six months for the horrendous crime of attempting to bring matters concerning a corrupt New York State Judge to the attention of the Senate Judiciary committee. And how the chairman of that committee conspired, with other members of the Senate and their staff agents, to frame up this citizen and put her in prison. This show chronicles just how far OUR Republican-controlled Senate will go to abolish the laws of this Nation.

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